The College Unraveled Blog

Handling Denials: How Parents Can Help college acceptance college acceptance letters college admission consultant college admissions college admissions consulting

Watching your teen's face crumble when they receive a college denial can be heartbreaking. Parents are inclined to try to make the situation feel better for their child. Remember, this is a time to listen and understand that your child’s experience of denial may be different than yours. For...

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Leaving for College college college acceptance college admissions college advisor

After a stressful year of completing college applications and waiting for admission decisions, students and parents are relieved to make a final choice and send the enrollment deposit. But while the anxiety about getting into college is over, the emotional roller coaster continues as the family...

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Dealing with denial college acceptance college acceptance letters college applications

Everybody wants the euphoria of college acceptance and the sense of pride generated by the college sticker on the back windshield of their car. But what happens when you have to settle for Plan B when there will be no euphoria, just resignation. How do you help your child deal with reality?


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Honors Programs Offer Special Benefit applying to college college acceptance honors programs

As seniors review their college lists, they might find themselves caught between their desire for the intimate learning environment of a liberal arts college and the options and experiences available at a large university. One way to have the best of both worlds is through a university honors...

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Financial Matters: Pre-College Financial and Legal Matters applying to college college acceptance finances financial matters money money for college

There are a few legal and financial issues that should be addressed before your son or daughter goes off to college. If your child has turned or will turn 18 during the next year, she is legally an adult, and you, her parent, lose the legal authority to make decisions on her behalf. That means...

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Waitlist Purgatory: Decision Making for your Dream University college acceptance college admissions dream university university waitlist

Uh-oh. Your eagerly-awaited decision letter from Dream University finally arrives and you learn that you’ve been offered not the hoped-for place in the class, but a spot on their waitlist. What should you do now?

Your first step is to carefully consider the rest of your college acceptances...

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What is College Admissions? act applying to college college acceptance college admissions college application plans fafsa sat

If you are considering going to college you have probably heard the term “college admissions”, but do you really know what is all included in college admissions? The college admissions process begins earlier than you might think - in freshman year of high school - and continues all...

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