The College Unraveled Blog

How to Benefit from Your College Search applying to college college admissions college consultant college decision college planning college preparation college search

When it comes to making one of the most critical decisions in your life, you want to be sure that you are doing everything possible to make the best choice. For many students and their families, that means researching and visiting colleges and universities. There are several ways to make the most...

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Making a list – no, not that list… christmas college list college search winter break

It’s that time of year – making a list and checking it twice.  And no – we’re not talking about a Santa list.  Now is a good time to begin thinking about your college list.  Use some of your down time during winter break and the steps below to get a jump...

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What is your “Perfect College”? college planning college search college survey perfect college

When you think about the “Perfect College” what comes to mind?  Bucolic hills, palm trees, or urban energy?  Classes with 12 students or with 120?  Going to a football game, a political debate, an art show – all of the above?  How do you know which college is...

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Size Does Matter- College Undergraduate Size college fit college search college selection college size large colleges learning style observant learner participant learner picking colleges private colleges state colleges total size undergraduate size

As you explore which colleges are the right match for you, consider the size of the student body. How many undergraduates attend the college? This can make a big difference in your experience on a college campus. Think of college sizes in these four categories (based on...

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