The College Unraveled Blog

Focus on majors: Bioinformatics changing major college major double major focus on majors selecting a college major

In an era where data drives discovery and technology reshapes the boundary of what we thought possible, bioinformatics stands as a centerpiece of innovation and a dynamic area of exploration. Each day we see new advancements in biology and medical technology, in part due to breakthroughs by...

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Focus on Majors: Majors, Minors, and Concentrations changing major college major double major focus on majors selecting a college major

Students are typically asked to choose a major when going to college. Understanding choices beyond a major allows them to broaden their area of expertise and interests.



Your major is defined as the specific, primary area of study you will focus on during your college career....

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6 Lesser Known College Majors that Can Yield Lucrative Careers changing major college major double major focus on majors selecting a college major

As students embark on the exciting journey of choosing a college major, it's essential to look beyond the conventional and explore the vast array of lesser-known college majors that offer promising career prospects. In today's rapidly evolving job market, unconventional majors are gaining...

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Majoring in Nutritional Sciences college major double major focus on majors selecting a college major

Americans are obsessed with food. We spend vast amounts of time and money in a quest for the “perfect diet.” None of us ever seems happy with our current self— we constantly seek to lose or gain weight. By choosing to avoid meat or by not eating veal, we use our diets to make...

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Majoring in Molecular Biology college major focus on majors majoring selecting a college major

Molecular biology is the study of biology at the molecular level. It focuses on the structure and function of the molecules that form the basis of life. Molecular biologists explore cells, their characteristics and parts, chemical processes, and how molecules control cellular activity and growth....

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Majoring in Communication Studies college major focus on majors majoring selecting a college major

It’s #2 on Princeton Review’s List of the Top Ten Most Popular College Majors - Communication Studies. Sounds interesting and marketable, but what is it, and more importantly, can it help you get a job?


Communication Studies is an academic field that examines how people share...

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Qualities of STEM Applicants college application plans college applications college major selecting a college major

Although overall college enrollment numbers have plateaued, or more recently, dropped, the demand for STEM degrees has steadily risen over the years. In the face of the increasing demand for qualified graduates, competition for seats in STEM programs has become far more rigorous. In order to...

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Focus on majors: International Business college major focus on majors selecting a college major

As our world becomes more connected through technology and the global marketplace, the demand for workers possessing degrees in International Business is growing rapidly. Many domestic corporations are currently establishing offices overseas, and they need culturally competent and well-trained...

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Majoring in Education college major focus on majors selecting a college major

Teachers today face significant career demands. These professionals must balance various educational needs and learning styles while they work in order to incorporate education in an evolving teaching environment.

An education major can lead to various career paths, from classroom teachers and...

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Majoring in Health Care Administration college major focus on majors selecting a college major

Do you love the idea of a healthcare career, but hate the thought of all of the science classes required for a medical or nursing degree? If so, consider a major in health care administration, one of the fastest growing career paths in the health care industry.


When most people think of...

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Majoring in Sociology college major majoring selecting a college major

When you start college, you have to think about what you might want to do for the rest of your professional career. It’s daunting to sit down and truly think about what the rest of your life might look like. You need to make sure that you choose something that you love, or it might be hard...

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Majoring in Nursing college major majoring nursing selecting a college major

Choosing what you want your major in college to be is a huge decision and not one to take lightly. While you can change your major part-way through your college journey, it sometimes make things difficult if you’re trying to graduate within the typical four-year timeframe. This is...

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