The College Unraveled Blog

College Admissions Coaching for Parents: A Success Guide admissions coaching college

Stepping into college admissions can be challenging for parents. If you're looking to give your child an edge, consider college admissions coaching for parents offered by Clark College Consulting. With expert guidance, simplified information, emotional support, financial solutions, and...

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Leaving for College college college acceptance college admissions college advisor

After a stressful year of completing college applications and waiting for admission decisions, students and parents are relieved to make a final choice and send the enrollment deposit. But while the anxiety about getting into college is over, the emotional roller coaster continues as the family...

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Dorms vs. Off-Campus Housing: Which is the Better Fit? college college dorm

College life is an exciting prospect for students. They’re getting a taste of the world beyond high school as they prepare for the rest of their lives. It is equally challenging and rewarding and can be a life-changing experience. The prospect can also be overwhelming—students may...

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8 College Amenities Students Should Take Advantage Of amenities college university facilities

College is an amazing experience for young adults, transformative and rewarding in a way few other experiences can match. It can also be expensive and overwhelming, which may be intimidating to new students or create struggles for existing students trying to push through to success. While college...

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What the New Student Loan Debt Relief Plan Means for You college student aid student loans

When the student loan debt forgiveness plan was announced, students all over the United States let out a collective sigh of relief. With the cost of college on the rise, student debt has become a massive source of stress for a wide age range of students and professionals alike. In fact, according...

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How Much Should You Disclose? applying to college college college application plans college applications

Students often worry about calling attention to anything that is negative on a college application, but just because you ignore something doesn’t mean admission officers won’t notice it. They might see that your math scores on the SAT and your grades in Algebra and Pre-Calculus are...

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Are Bachelor’s Degrees Losing Their Value? applying to college bachelor's degree college college admissions

The 4-year college degree was considered a ticket to a better life for generations. Unfortunately, with rising inflation and ballooning student debt, the value of the bachelor’s degree is in decline.

Companies like Amazon, Google, and Tesla, in addition to large portions of the banking and...

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5 Tips on How to Be Successful in College college

Entering college can be an exciting but stressful time. As you embark on your educational
journey, remember that you are not alone. Countless students are going through or have gone through the same process. Educational institutions and alumni have developed strategies and support for new students...

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5 Tips for Excelling as a College Freshman college high school to college timeline

Going from high school to college is a big step!  A current college student shares five tips for excelling as a freshman in college.

1. Learn to manage your time.

Classes in college are arranged differently than high school.  You will have gaps in time between classes.  Plan each...

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Why Consider a Gap Year college gap year high school time off timeline

Considering taking a Gap Year?

If you’re considering taking a “pause” from your studies, go through the college application process, but ask about deferral policies both for academics and financial aid. Thinking about those things now provides time to decide if a gap is a...

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Singing the Senioritus Blues college college planning gpa grades high school second semester senior in high school senioritus university

What do I need to focus on in my second semester?

Now that your first semester is under your belt, it is tempting to take it easy during your second semester. Why does it matter if some of my grades slip this semester?

What You Do Now Matters

Colleges are going to ask the following questions of...

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Top 10 Factors to Consider for Your “Perfect” College academics campus activities climate college college visits factors to consider for college financial aid housing location narrowing college list school spirit size social scene student body

Here are the Top 10 factors to consider for your “Perfect” college:

Academics: How important is this factor to you? If you know your major, that should be a requirement What about special programs such as honors, study abroad, senior projects? Also consider the learning...

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This innovative blueprint gives you a proven, easy-to-follow process for getting your child into an amazing college… in a way that works for YOUR family, and that won’t break the bank.

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