The College Unraveled Blog

Focus on majors: Bioinformatics changing major college major double major focus on majors selecting a college major

In an era where data drives discovery and technology reshapes the boundary of what we thought possible, bioinformatics stands as a centerpiece of innovation and a dynamic area of exploration. Each day we see new advancements in biology and medical technology, in part due to breakthroughs by...

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Focus on Majors: Art and Design changing major college major double major focus on majors
Have you ever thought to yourself, “I enjoy being creative and finding unusual solutions to visual problems?” Or, “When I see a blank page, I’m compelled to draw on it?” Or even, “Making art is the one thing I am passionate about?” If you have these...
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Focus on Majors: Data Science changing major college major double major focus on majors major

With the widespread adoption of mobile phones and computers and the resulting huge quantities of data generated from these devices, there is now a demand for analysts to extract knowledge and insights from that data. It is now easier for organizations to learn about their users as they interact...

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Focus on majors: Business changing major college major focus on majors major

Business is among the most popular majors in the U.S., according to the National Center for Educational Statistics, comprising nearly 1 in 5 bachelor's degrees. Business majors explore fundamental business principles and practices that enable companies to run efficiently. Students pursuing a...

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Focus on Majors: Majors, Minors, and Concentrations changing major college major double major focus on majors selecting a college major

Students are typically asked to choose a major when going to college. Understanding choices beyond a major allows them to broaden their area of expertise and interests.



Your major is defined as the specific, primary area of study you will focus on during your college career....

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Focus on Majors: Bachelorā€™s in Social Work changing major college major focus on majors major

Are you passionate about helping people in need and emphasizing interpersonal relationships? Are you thinking of becoming a therapist and considering psychology as your major? Social Work is an often overlooked major that is less popular than psychology. Social workers have the potential to drive...

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6 Lesser Known College Majors that Can Yield Lucrative Careers changing major college major double major focus on majors selecting a college major

As students embark on the exciting journey of choosing a college major, it's essential to look beyond the conventional and explore the vast array of lesser-known college majors that offer promising career prospects. In today's rapidly evolving job market, unconventional majors are gaining...

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Focus on Majors: English changing major college major focus on majors major

Majoring in English can open up pathways to new fields of knowledge, exciting academic opportunities, and a variety of career options. Although many discount English as being too general and less vocational of a major, the flexibility that it offers in terms of job opportunities is broad and...

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Majoring in Journalism changing major college major college match selecting a college major

Journalists are writers who strive to provide unbiased, candid information and news through varying media communications outlets. These writers seek to communicate information through radio, magazines, and television. As the digital age of media and technology is becoming more advanced, consumers...

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3 Things to Know About Changing Majors in College changing major undecided undeclared major

Did you know that you are not necessarily tied to it forever once you declare a major? Technically, you can change your major at any time. However, as you can imagine, it isn’t
always that simple. For some, changing your major might not have much of an impact at all on your college...

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