The College Unraveled Blog

Focus on Majors: Data Science changing major college major double major focus on majors major

With the widespread adoption of mobile phones and computers and the resulting huge quantities of data generated from these devices, there is now a demand for analysts to extract knowledge and insights from that data. It is now easier for organizations to learn about their users as they interact...

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Focus on majors: Business changing major college major focus on majors major

Business is among the most popular majors in the U.S., according to the National Center for Educational Statistics, comprising nearly 1 in 5 bachelor's degrees. Business majors explore fundamental business principles and practices that enable companies to run efficiently. Students pursuing a...

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Focus on Majors: Bachelorā€™s in Social Work changing major college major focus on majors major

Are you passionate about helping people in need and emphasizing interpersonal relationships? Are you thinking of becoming a therapist and considering psychology as your major? Social Work is an often overlooked major that is less popular than psychology. Social workers have the potential to drive...

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Focus on Majors: English changing major college major focus on majors major

Majoring in English can open up pathways to new fields of knowledge, exciting academic opportunities, and a variety of career options. Although many discount English as being too general and less vocational of a major, the flexibility that it offers in terms of job opportunities is broad and...

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Majoring in Biomedical Engineering college major focus on majors major selecting a college major

What makes a major “valuable”? Most would agree that competitive average starting pay, median mid-career pay, growth in salary, and wealth of job opportunities all contribute to value. Biomedical Engineering is one of the majors that is considered most worth your tuition, time, and...

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Focus on Majors: Peace and Conflict Studies college major major selecting a college major

With the political climate in the United States so divisive at this time, a major that focuses on ways to solve problems peacefully may resonate with you. Peace and Conflict Studies focus on ways to improve justice and peace in the world. The major analyze universal issues such as racism, sexism,...

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Focus on majors: Kinesiology college major major selecting a college major

For active people interested in a science career, a major in kinesiology may be a perfect fit. Kinesiology is the study of human movement, from the molecular workings of muscular control to the process of recovery from massive sports injuries. The study encompasses diverse populations, reaching...

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Majoring in Marketing college course college major major selecting a college major

Majoring in marketing can set the foundation for you to excel in various lucrative careers. Marketing involves translating the value of a product or service to the customer. Most industries require some form of marketing, so there are endless options to choose from when you study this field. This...

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3 College Major Stereotypes and the Truth Behind Them! college major major selecting a college major

Just like the stories you hear about high school stereotypes, there are a lot of college stereotypes out there. These stereotypes might lead some to question facts about college, from if fraternities only exist to throw parties to wondering, is college hard? But what about college majors? Your...

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Considering Majoring in International Relations / Political Science? major selecting a college major

Although business is currently the most popular major, the social sciences account for the second most frequently chosen major. The social sciences address the problems and challenges that affect our world today and apply the knowledge and skills gained in these areas to nearly any career path...

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When Do You Select A Major For College? college major major undecided undeclared undeclared major

When completing college applications as a senior, you are asked to select a major.  When do you start looking at future majors?

Here are 5 ideas to guide you.

1.  Start early.  It's never too early or too late to start exploring your interests and connecting them to majors or...

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