The College Unraveled Blog
When choosing courses for the following year of high school, do you pick classes because they will look good on your college application? Do you worry that you aren’t taking enough or any honors or AP
classes? The truth is, that successful college preparation looks different for every...
Navigating the college admissions process can feel like a maze. Is your family ready to tackle the challenge? Understanding how this journey works and finding ways to manage it without draining your wallet are vital. In this blog, we'll guide you through preparing for college applications,...
Watching your teen's face crumble when they receive a college denial can be heartbreaking. Parents are inclined to try to make the situation feel better for their child. Remember, this is a time to listen and understand that your child’s experience of denial may be different than yours. For...
College is expensive. Educational tax benefits can help students offset the cost of college by reducing their or their parents’ federal tax bill. The person filing taxes can claim a tuition tax credit for money spent on your college expenses if you are listed as their dependent. Many...
Senioritis sounds like a medical condition, but is rather a condition of the mind when high school seniors become unmotivated and feel academically apathetic. This usually happens in the last quarter of high school when mid-term grades have been sent, and college acceptances have been received....
In the midst of worrying about college admissions, it can be easy to forget that your child’s high school years aren’t just about getting into college. High school is also an important time for developing the life skills necessary to do well in college and into adulthood. Here are...
Are you looking for help with your child's homework? In the ever-evolving landscape of education, innovative strategies and techniques are continuously being developed to enhance student learning and academic achievement. Fast Finish Homework is one such approach that has gained traction and...
The opportunity to live and study in a foreign country is seen by students and parents alike as not just a fun part of college, but necessary preparation for working in a global economy. In fact, studying abroad is considered so valuable that a few colleges actually require students to go abroad...
Are you feeling overwhelmed by the daunting task of applying to Ivy League schools? The college application process can be challenging. This is true when considering prestigious institutions with standards and rigorous admission requirements.
Fortunately, there's a solution: working with an...
Ivy League schools have an acceptance rate almost as low as 7 percent. However, sometimes schools imply the acceptance of certain students early.
College admissions can be ruthless — especially when it comes to the top schools. But every once in a while, they'll send out a...
A 4.2 GPA student should be successful at any college, but when a college routinely admits B students and transforms them into high-achieving, confident college students, that school is having more of an impact than a highly ranked college that only admits top students.
If you are immersed...
The college admissions process can be a stressful and challenging time for students. The good news is that in the fall of 2022, almost 18 million students in the U.S. enrolled to study for a degree at a college.
If you are one of the lucky students that got accepted, you may need to reject the...
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