The College Unraveled Blog

Parent Involvement in Applying for College college admissions college application plans college consultant college decision finances financial aid parents

As any parent can tell you, the college application process can be one of the most challenging and stressful periods a student and parent will ever experience. It's only natural to want to help your child as much as possible throughout this process. But, as much as parents want to be involved in...

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Majoring in Computer Science college decision college degree college major computer science selecting a college major

As society becomes more reliant on technology, the field of computer science continues to expand. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects that employment in computer and information technology roles will grow 13% between 2020 and 2030. Now is the ideal time to enroll in a computer...

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Majoring in Public Health career college consultant college course college decision college degree

According to College Factual, public health was the 27th most popular major in the US during the 2019-2020 school year. It’s easy to see why this major has become so popular recently; public health majors work to protect and advance healthcare initiatives locally and globally. These...

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10 College Extracurriculars That Will Surely Stand Out on a Resume club sports college life extracurricular activities research tutoring

How important are extracurricular activities for college anyway? Does your future employer care about whether you were a notetaker for students with physical or learning disabilities, president of the student union, or the football team's mascot?  100% yes. Are there activities that look...

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The Greek Life: Deciding on Joining a Fraternity or Sorority college application plans college life college list fraternity sorority

Whether Greek life is for you is a question many college students ask themselves.  Pledging a fraternity or sorority has undeniable benefits and considerable pitfalls. 

Let's dig into the Greek life landscape for an aerial view. 


Pros and Cons of Greek Life 

Greek life...

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Making the Grade: 5 Study Methods to Help You Pass Your College Exams applying to college college examination college preparation

Setting yourself up for graduating with honors and the Dean's list achievement every semester means having an uncompromising work ethic. 

Pack these 5 study methods with your ramen noodles and XL twin sheets.

Study Tools For College Students 

If you’re anything like I was in...

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Finding a College Thatā€™s Disability Friendly and Accessible applying to college college decision college environment college fit

Having a physical or learning disability requires calculated college planning help. It can be discouraging when disability-friendly campuses aren’t always as visible as a college's degree programs or Greek life.


Challenges Finding Accessibility in College

To find welcoming colleges...

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Adjusting to College Life college decision college environment college fair college fit college location college match factors to consider for college

Nearly every college freshman encounters a few surprises as they adjust to college life. Understanding the most common challenges can make the transition to college life go more smoothly for both students and their parents.


Some common freshmen challenges include:




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Financial Matters: Pre-College Financial and Legal Matters applying to college college acceptance finances financial matters money money for college

There are a few legal and financial issues that should be addressed before your son or daughter goes off to college. If your child has turned or will turn 18 during the next year, she is legally an adult, and you, her parent, lose the legal authority to make decisions on her behalf. That means...

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Focus on Majors: Fashion Design/Merchandising college course college decision college major selecting a college major

Do you love fashion? Are you usually the first in your group to spot the latest clothing trends? Is Project Runway one of your favorite reality shows? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, a college major in fashion merchandising and a career in the fashion industry may be a good...

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Community College Vs. University: Where Should I Start? community college dream university university

Picking between a two-year community college and a four-year university can be challenging, especially when you aren't aware of the pros and cons. Some careers require a bachelor's degree, while others hire candidates with their associates. Today, you'll learn some advantages and disadvantages of...

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Summer Plans--Start a Business summer summer planning summer plans summer programs summer research

Still thinking of ways to make your high school summers count? Some young adults score an internship, some are lucky enough to undertake travel that incorporates fun and community service, and others take a summer job in order to squirrel money away. One exciting idea is to start your own...

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