The College Unraveled Blog

The Best Colleges for Pre-meds pre-med


Most young people who want to become a physician have wanted to be a doctor since they were very small. This career path takes a long time to travel – it requires a lot of dedication and hard work, and a significant investment of your personal resources. You’ll need to...

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4 Ways Your College Admission Coach Can Help You Prepare coach colege admissions

Between deciding what college is right for you, taking aptitude tests, applying for scholarships, actually applying for admissions, preparing for college can be overwhelming. Luckily, a college admission coach can help! By hiring college consultant services, you can ensure that you are ready for...

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SAT and ACT ePrep - 5 Things You Need to Know to Prepare for Your Tests act eprep preparing for the sat sat

Do you study better from a digital device than you do from paper? If so, ACT eprep or online SAT prep classes may be the right study solution for you! As you prepare for college, the SAT and ACT tests are instrumental in your college admissions process. Here are five things to know to help you...

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6 PSAT Tips and How to Study for PSATS psat psat/nmqts

Sometimes, preparing for college can be just as much (or sometimes more) work than the classes themselves. Did you know that college prep starts long before your senior year in high school? In fact, it can begin as soon as eighth grade with the PSAT or Preliminary SAT test. Students can take...

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Is College Admission Really More Competitive? college admissions

The media makes it seem that it is getting harder and harder to be accepted to college each year. But is that really true? Is college admission today really more competitive?

There is no denying that many parents wouldn't be accepted at their own alma maters if they were applying today. SAT...

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5 Tips on How to Be Successful in College college

Entering college can be an exciting but stressful time. As you embark on your educational
journey, remember that you are not alone. Countless students are going through or have gone through the same process. Educational institutions and alumni have developed strategies and support for new students...

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Worried About How to Make Friends in College? 6 Things You Should Know! freshman friends

Throughout the grade school and high school experience, people make friends differently. Some people make connections in preschool and kindergarten that last for a lifetime while others may move around a lot and have some practice in making new friends. Regardless of your background, entering...

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Do You Know How to Get Scholarships for College? scholarships

Did you know that there are plenty of scholarships out there to help you pay for college beyond just sports? Extracurriculars are a great way to gain access to legitimate scholarship opportunities. However, they are not the only option out there. Understanding how to get scholarships for college...

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Does it Matter What College You Go To? 5 Things to Know college selection

As your high school graduation approaches and you begin receiving all the college
advertisements, you may find yourself wondering, “does it matter what college you go to?” The short answer is yes, it does. It may sound silly, but college really is the first step to the rest of your...

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Majoring in Cybersecurity college major

It seems that every month new data breaches expose consumers’ personally identifiable information at an alarming rate, putting close to three hundred million people at risk of identity theft and fraud. Cybercriminals also focus their time on other lucrative cyberattacks, such as ransomware,...

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Financial Matters: “Great Money” or “Not So Great Money” paying for college

If you’re the parent of a high school senior and you’re thinking about how to pay for college without going broke, it’s a whole new, expensive world out there. In this world, there are just two kinds of money: “Great money – or  Free money” – and...

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Social Media—Think Before You Post social media & colleges

Stories abound of students and even teachers sharing inappropriate items on social media. You would think students who are about to apply to colleges and be evaluated by admission officers would know better. The truth is that the vast majority of high school students are very responsible...

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